

Growing up with what they teach me
Now I know the best drugs to get high on
And the best way to commit suicide.
Looking back on what they've taught me
I've learned how to get drunk really fast
Did I really need to know so much?
I feel that I was better off
Not knowing every little detail.
Was it really necessary?
Those that wouldn't have done it in the first place
Won't have their minds changed by knowing more about it
Those that have done it already
Probably know all this already and don't care.
So what's the use in knowing so much?
We don't need to know 27 names for every drug
We don't need to know how much of each kind of alcohol
We need to drink before we get drunk.
They say it's better to learn it in school than out on the streets.
I don't go out on the streets,
And health class didn't need to teach me so much.

Site and contents (except where otherwise noted) Copyright © 2004- Kethrim