Sayings for Living
- No.
- Yes. Yes it is.
- Cheese is good.
- There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's(R).
- Sheep. Hee hee, taco.
- Would you like a piece of tea?
- If this is a bucket of peaches, and this is a bucket of cream, where do I put my head?
- Don't forget the pizza.
- Candy corn.
- Cheesecake. Factory.
- Why is the gum broken?
- Chivalry is dead, unless it involves toasters.
- Don't drink my hot chocolate!
- Gum happens.
- No! Don't eat those! Those are poison arrows.
- If the schnozzberries taste like schnozzberries, keep licking the car. If they taste like flunnerzots, run away screaming. Oh, that's right, you won't be able to.
- Mmm, tastes like burning.
- Well, it's kinda like yogurt.
- These burgers are crazy.
- Parmesan cheese is not good for snorting. Neither is sugar or Pixie Stix. Put the Tang down...
- Ignore what Ryan says about S20.
- What's this heat thing I keep hearing about? Well, it's kinda like tuna.
- Please don't spill the Skittles.
- That's not my Diet Coke.
- There is jello on my sock.
- I have powers that pinto beans only dream of.
- I love Italian food, but the problem is that three or four days later, I'm hungry again.
- I'm going to make tacos out of your corpse!
- Come As You Are. Oh well, whatever, Nevermind...
- A P is just a female R.
- I have no idea what you're laughing at, but yet I find it funny.
- That's funny, but I'm not sure why.
- I don't need to compete. I just need to laugh.
- This is where laughing silently comes in handy.
- Giggle. Giggle. Snort.
- Yay!
- Did I tell you to talk?
- I have drain bamage.
- Whenever I see you, the phrase 'small doses' comes to mind.
- You're an idiot.
- Stupid reason! Stupid reason!
- That's just crazy enough to not make sense!
- You have to know these things when you're king, you know.
- You're not smart. Everyone else is just stupid.
- I'm not an idiot.
- Grow up? I want to go blow bubbles.
- I got lost in thought once, and I never found my way back.
- Sometimes I stop to think.... (*stare off into space*)
- Stop it you idiot!
- Someone once told me they were going to kill me to death. As opposed to...
- If I had wings, I would fly, but I would probably fall down.
- Knock yourself out. Please.
- That's my pen, and I have the right to take it back. It's in the Constitution.
- Wait. Did I do something illegal?
- Just because I did it does not mean I did it.
- Stop being nosy.
- See, this is the point where you just stop talking.
- Stop making it worse.
- This is the point where I shrug.
- You don't want to know.
- It just is.
- Except for the pain, I'm quite comfortable.
- That's okay. It's not mine.
- Pardon me while I choke.
- Okay, I'm gonna go pass out now.
- Run while you still can.
- Maybe it should.
- Isn't it great when your friends are friends with your other friends?
- Maybe I'll tell you someday.
- Well that would be telling, wouldn't it?
- How 'bout not.
- Haven't I told you you're not supposed to choke?
- It is as it is, and no turning back.
- See, I could tell you, or you could just look it up.
- I work in mysterious ways.
- Those are not my pants.
- That one! No, the other one!
- Fairies wear boots. Ya gotta believe me.
- Please, don't break the church.
- Whazzit?
- When do the flying monkeys come to take you away?
- Cause, you know, stuff.
- Oh yeah, that.
- It's like baling hay in a snowstorm with a left-handed teaspoon.
- That was dumb.
- Playing the Lord's Prayer backwards reveals hidden satanic messages.
- Every cloud has a silver lining. Sell it and buy a car.
- I am full of doom.
- Well, you're special now, aren't you?
- I give you satanic head bitey!
- Don't even try.
- Excuses, excuses.
- My mind! Where is my mind?
- Woah, man, that's deep.
- Dude, I've been enlightened.
- That's not cool, man.
- It is a good day to live.
- This will answer all the questions you've ever had about toilets.
- Glue.
- Moo, moo, moo, moo.
- I'm dancing like a monkey!
- Come back, greenhouse!
- Shut your noise, you!
- Too bad for you.
- Breathe in, breathe out.
- I am like sooooo dark...
- Cute, fuzzy, and full of death.
- You tell me.
- Duck before I hit you with this book.
- 1/2. Duck before I hit you.
- I don't make the rules... wait... yes I do.
- Jesus? That's kinda weird.
- Use the power of the squirrels wisely.
- Beware of the Killer Leaping Fried Chickens of Death!
- Why make sense when you don't have to?
- Is it just me, or is it just you?
- It's always easier to give advice then to take it.
- This is an ex-parrot! He has ceased to be!
- That's morbid.
- But I want to sing!
- That would be too easy.
- There's a whole lotta stabbin' in your future!
- And it was good.
- And then, I fell over.
- Maybe he died.
- Why are there so many squirrels in the world?
- Admit it, you're wrong.
- Pyromania: it's not a job; it's an adventure.
- Never take life seriously. No one gets out alive anyway.
- I'm not suffering from insanity. I'm enjoying every minute of it.
- If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you.
- There's a fine line between persistence and being dragged away by the cops for stalking.
- Mess not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
- If you can keep your head while everyone around you is losing theirs, maybe you haven't grasped the situation.
- If we don't look incredibly stupid, we're not doing this right.
- Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. It will remain this way until further notice.
- It's all fun and games until a raging robot destroys half your city.
- Archers, too, have a better chance of survival if they go to battle dressed in more than just their undergarments.
- Internet like burning, man.
- Dude...
- There's a funny story behind that.
- I miss my lung.
- Cause why not?
- Ahh! Squealy children!
- It's generally a bad idea to kill your best friend.
- She'll never notice.
- Smells like children!
- ...except not.
- Can I stare at your pants?
- Dead puppies aren't much fun.
- Everybody run! The Homecoming Queen's got a gun!
- Would you like fries with that?
- How about NO you crazy Dutch bastard!
- Twice.
- With a butter knife.
- We come in peace. Shoot to kill.
- What are you dooming?
- Point and laugh.
- She's still alive, but only just.
- Great minds think alike... or at least we do.
- Sayings don't always work on people who don't know them.
- Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino in Italian restaurants with oriental women. Yeah...
- Worldwide, death is still the #1 cause of fatality.
- I am an ordained minister of the church of Shut Up!
- Hey- you got weasels on your face.
- The world was our burrito.
- I made a solemn vow right then and there that I would not rest, I would not sleep for an instant, until the one-nostriled man was brought to justice. But first, I decided to buy some donuts.
- This is the last burrito.
- Ask the man for some candy, Daddy.
- It's not very happy.
- Sharon, one more burrito.
- People who live in glass houses sink ships.
- How do you say 'I would like to commit a major felony in your country' in your language?
- Well it could have been a gay monkey.
- Get back in your box.
- I thought he wasn't wearing any shoes.
- I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
- Reality is what you make of it.
- Jill! Put some pants on!
- Scott! Put some pants on!
- Do I have to? Pants are dirty.
- Why me?
- You have three minutes to save France!
- Don't break my fantasy.
- Clean my dirty toga!
- You live in this house, you work for me, and I want to suck your toes.
- Woo and yay!
- Sometimes, it's profound. Sometimes, it's Fritos.
- It is enough for me that your pig is safe.
- Some people play tennis, I erode the human soul.
- Well maybe you'll have night after night of eternal hellfire all to yourself.
- Well, that would be littering, and the cop tailgating us might get slightly annoyed.
- All of our exports go to other countries. No, only some of them do. Some of them go to Canada.
- Please do not write on my purple sheets.
- That equals rudeness!
- We advocate stealing!
- That is definately a satchel.
- Remember the armadillo!
- All the cool kids have spoons.
- Burninating the peasants... TROGDOR!
- Will that be a movie or a myoo-vay?
- It's good to be pathetic.
- Drink your bleach!
- There's a difference between spooning someone and spooning with someone.
- I'll tell you if you're stupid!
- I didn't even register your prescence.
- It's not a Facing Hatred conference until someone laughs, someone cries, and Mrs. Adler panics.
- Control your dumb!
- If you like Dick, you'll love Dan.
- Those are some crazy trousers.
- You just violated my alligator.
- Chicken!
- Bush extender!
- Leave my bush alone!
- I'm from the Internet.
- But what if my diarrhea comes back?
- Ooh! She's got eyes that are evil!
- Where's my chair?
- Blossoms of death!
- Wait a minute. This sounds like rock and/or roll.
- You look too normal. Take off that shirt.
- I took the road less traveled by./Now I'm lost. Where am I?
- Janet! Dr. Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky!
- You're never alone when you have friends. Or multiple personalities.
- That's the study of a lifetime. It could take all day!
- Collar up... Michael style!
- Not from the head, not from the chest... from the soul.
- This is study hall, not fun and games.
- This is going to get to that? Yes, but with a lot of elbow grease.
- Humankind is a weird thing.
- All death is ironic.
- Don't be a piano. Sing!
- Running is to walking as singing is to talking.
- I want to slap the sandwich!
- Tour Eiffel on fire... frowny face!
- Replacement Phil!
- I'm haunted by "Sortie" sign.
- The table is a sexual object. It's like potato chips.
- We will have no fun today, since it's the first day. I think it's a law that schools must have no fun on the first day.
- That's a lot of moose...
- Everyone is singular; no one is plural.
- Ooble spoodle gwee
- I've only seen a couple people catch on fire.
- Das Finger!
- I'm not a Satanist! I'm... I'm... a... an... Eclectic Luciferian Diabolist!
- It's hard to be a garbageman when a sailor stole my glove.
- Who's got the crack?
- Death Emo: She left me... so I killed her and had sex with her corpse... oooh....
- Having no calories would be bad, because that would make you die.
- Arathusa was a nymph.
- Smock Refer!
- But that makes perfect unsense!
- That's a lovely kneecap.
- Agnostics: Is there a god? And if so, what color is he?
- Was it formosa?
- I've lost a kid!
- Don't mess with me! I know the Roman numeral for 500!
- I am the Sailor of Peace!
- Would you prefer I was led astray by small penguins?
- Two means two turtles.
- Sticky as a woodchuck!
- I'm as hungry as a poor child in a third world country!
- My feelings for you cause me to want to cast myself into the burning fires of the bottomless pit of despair.
- And weasels.
- Yay! We're ecouting!
- Oh, by the way, it's 10 points off if you hand it in on fire.
- Of the spooky people, who's long and who's short?
- For those of you who don't know, I have 7 pets. 2 dogs, 4 cats, and a husband.
- When you grow up to be a pumpkin, you can light candles too.
- I am the Queen of Useless Promises!
- Say "as best you can" as well as you can.
- Ahh! Evility!
- Yoda math: "Two... or twonot. There is no five!"
- I can't be mad. My hate is broken.
- All we've ever been is everything we're not.
- I can't be a Buddhist. It's too popular.
- Stand back, amigo! This is a job for the Antichrist!
- I'd give you a hug, but I smell icky, like death.
- Put the straw down! We're gonna get arrested!
- You have an inspirational big toe?
- It's cold today. I like your shoes!
- Moleratio, the great Shakeapearean hero from Avogadro's Caper.
- The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.
- Wisconsin: Smell our dairy air.
- I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
- LIFE: it's just another cereal.
- There's nothing to make you feel tall like being around short people.
- I am the Fry Goddess! Oh beautiful French Fries, I shall devour you whole!
- The baby wants McDonald's. The baby wants lots of McDonald's.
- Hello, I'm Mr. Penguin, you do your thing and I'll do mine.
- Could you sort of, kind of, develop the desire to pass the salt....
- Tap into your inner psychopath!
- Poetry is an expression of life.
- Yeah? Well, I'm not the one choking on my soap!
- Diamond ring is like chocolate cake!
- I do what I do 'cause I have to!
- Pandora: I hope to have a cat someday.
- Love isn't lost. It's found.
- Use the old combustion trick- light youself on fire.
- I'm a linear thinker. My lines just aren't straight.
- California Genesis: the story of Adam and Steve.
- You chew like cows!
- You lose the loss of your legs.
- God is just an imaginary friend for grownups.
- I don't hate any of you... as far as you know.
- Persons of color sounds like something you see when you're on acid.
- Those are not the nipples of my wife!
- Have you ever embraced someone dying of plague?
- When I have gone, I expect you to consign the contents of this manuscript to the flames, and stir it vigorously... with a poker.
- To understand the inverse of a day would involve using drugs.
- Madame, nous traduisons en anglais?
- "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" -George W. Bush
- Go put on some pants. We'll watch a movie.
Site and contents (except where otherwise noted) Copyright © 2004- Kethrim