The Rules of Band, or, All I Need to Know I Learned from Marching Band
- Obey F.
- Don't argue, just obey.
- Don't defend yourself. It just makes it worse.
- Teeth is the key to a fake smile.
- It's not okay to be wrong.
- Sounding bad is not good.
- When the music is slow, roll your feet backwards.
- Pain is your friend. You'll never escape it.
- A euphonium and a flag don't mix well.
- A euphonium is just a baby tuba.
- Stay in time.
- Know how to fake your drill.
- Dress to the form, not to the dot.
- The key to dealing with things is to not deal with them.
- Band is the wellspring of inspiration.
- The key to not exploding is to imagine F exploding.
- Forget your family. You'll never see them again. Band is your family now.
- If you think you're important, play. Important people play!
- Less tongue! Less tongue!
- You must make playing the triangle fun!
- Practice all of this. Stop playing!
- Band can be the best part of your day. Especially if you're only in Color Guard and marching band season is over.
- Band is different.
- Start together, finish together.
- Learn to count.
- Band is life.
- This is not meander band!
- Meander Band: Blindly going where no one has gone before.
- Band is a four-letter word.
- You don't want to see F ugly.
- Be good so you don't get yelled at.
- Practice. Always practice.
- When someone says set, set!
- Don't relax until someone tells you to relax.
- Never give Spencer money.
- Give Hannah money instead. She's the better mooch.
- You always regret your decisions the first day of band camp.
- Balance!
- Don't do things unless you're told to.
- What is that? Oh, it's just the low brass breathing.
- Look musical!
- Win hat day!
- Dead Squirrels make good hat toppings.
- The Band is only a division of the Color Guard.
- The Color Guard is only a division of the Band.
- If you toss a flag, catch it!
- Drop a flag and die.
- If you toss a flag, don't catch it with your face.
- Always walk ten feet behind Danielle.
- Don't eat any food distributed by the blond bomb. (Danielle. It will kill you.)
- Put your things away or Megan will bite you.
- Megan will always threaten to kill you.
- Look at Spencer!
- Hannah is always right!
- Learn which number comes after which.
- Teamwork is essential whilst putting flags in bags.
- Don't follow Megan's tempo.
- The guard closet is your second refrigerator.
- Dance ain't band.
- Watch for the cut-off.
- Nothing can ruin your day like band.
- Play together.
- Oh, and the right notes would help too, when you get a chance.
- Band is Band.
- Band doesn't end when Marching Band is over. Unless you're in Color Guard, but don't tell F that.
- Staccato does not mean short! It means separated!
- It you can sing it, you can play it. But not the other way around.
- Do you breathe? NO!
- Band equals comic relief.
- Get it right.
- Don't rush.
- Don't talk.
- This is what I want in rehearsal: NOTHING!
- Why do you play high and low stuff? Cause you SUCK at it!
- F can't sing.
- Okay, how many of you decrescendoed?
- Subdivide!
- I don't have 'dah dah dit dit dit dah,' I have 'DAH DAH DIT DIT DIT DAH!'
- Sit up straight.
- Pretend you're really playing.
- Don't fall, Megan.
- Who stole my pencil AGAIN?
- Find 65. It's 6 before 71.
- Don't put stuff in F's hair.
- I feel like I'm a monkey up here!
- Kyle looks like a skinny Buddha.
- Left, right, left, right.
- Music, good. Spencer singing, bad.
- Never have food around Spencer.
- It's craziness! No, it's Band.
- Art is what I want it to be.
- Moo, moo, moo, moo.
- I can't hear anything!
- Get everything to 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'
- If we don't get it today, by golly, we'll get it tomorrow!
- Chin up, shoulders back, get it right or pay the price.
- "I love my mom... I love my mom...."
- "Megan smells. Megan smells. She doesn't shower, here we go!"
- Don't fall asleep in Band.
- Don't let Jenny have lollipops at football games.
- Mommy, why is Marching Band evil?
- Band Camp is where you don't know if you're dead or if you just envy the dead.
- How big are the pizzas?
- What is this, moron day?
- No matter what you think, you're always wrong.
- You're not allowed to breathe.
- Whoa! That's green!
- Spencer's classic look: pajama pants.
- Spencer, keep your hands on your neck.
- Jenny: blondly going where no one has gone before
- Dead cows!
- Richard, pull your cape in!
- I said check and adjust, not check, adjust, and hit yourself in the head with your drill!
- Time flies when you're having drill.
- TJ, you're whiter than Michael Jackson.
- That's what we need- whip the trumpets!
- Are you saying I'm nasty and illegal?
- No, no, we're only complaining right now.
- Shoulders to the sideline.
- I'm old. I forget. That's what happens when you turn 29.
- I'm cool with that, yo.
- Richard, that was awesome!
- Front line, Erin Paul is your goddess! Back line, Josh Cushing is your goddess!
- Dan has a banana in his back.
- Imagine there was a glass rod in your spine. If you move it one millimeter, you're dead! You're dead!
- Marching is combining music and pictures. And you guys are the trippy designs.
- I'll give you a hard time if you're an idiot.
- Spencer, why are you putting your clothes back on?
- I'd tell you to stop marching last year's show, but you weren't here last year.
- This is Band. We don't care if we look like dorks.
- We'll sacrifice you on a set.
- Other than a couple really goofy things that you're doing....
- You look like a caterpillar back there.
- You're not in chorus to be trained monkeys. That's what Band is for.
- Make them throw babies!
- Is it Mozart? Is it Mozart? Yes it is, yes it is.
- It's quarter notes and eighth notes, not brain surgery!
- If you can play bum diggity diggity bop, you can play dum dum brrum diggity.
- We're not gonna go out there and be a bunch of individuals!
- What if vanilla didn't have to suffer?
- Your mother, Choose.
- Crush a marble!
- Your poles look like a box of toothpicks!
- Ben: a Dirt major with a concentration in Grass.
- This is about getting better.
- Let's wait until Tim stops talking.
- Low brass, shut up!
- Guard, try to look as pretty as Brian.
- A great Color Guard looks good doing nothing.
- You are not allowed to kick a tire.
- Play to TJ's feet.
- 'I have a question.' 'I have an answer.'
- Brian, the guy's dead.
- You can tell I'm in Band. Look at my feet.
- Does it sound big, like Ben looks?
- Sounds like a fat kid playing kickball!
- Give me chills!
- We don't want a good show; we want a good videotape.
- 'If you win, you can shave [F's] hair.' 'No, if you win, you can shave [Ben's beard].'
- Be wrong that way!
- No putting out fires!
- 'We have an idiot box?' 'Yes, it's called the Band Room.'
- Flutes, are you doing a stop-and-go? It looks like you're doing an almost-fall-over-and-go.
- No 'Oh my God' over there!
- Watch me now! I am different!
- Guard, battery, pit, in. Everyone else, sing and march like crazy!
- Oh crab.
- At championships, there's three million people and your mom!
- These guys are lookin' at me. That's the problem.
- Tomorrow, every cut-off, every crescendo, every step matters... for a good videotape... if you know what I mean.
- Actually, I don't want a great videotape. I want a great DVD. They put them on DVD now!
- Finally, the Drumline is starting to meet their potential. Finally... finally. There is a God.
- Dah... dit dit harmony... dit dit more harmony.
- Don't listen to the trumpets.
- Mr. F-kimo
- Don't look like you're having a child.
- One notch before ugly.
- Du du dooh! Ahh.
- TJ, I know you're definitely not going to be a rocket scientist, but at least play the right part.
- Drumline, roll-step when you're going from the TV to the fridge. Everyone else, roll-step from your desk, where you study, to the fridge. I mean, everyone has to eat.
- If you hit a car, you hit a car. Oh well.
- National Guard? National Color Guard?
- Split the green!
- From 77 on, I have to focus so hard my eyeballs pop out of my head.
- Don't let me be intimidating.
- Don't go through life being afraid to be wrong.
- I'd rather just go like this and you'll play, rather than flap my arms and fly off the podium.
- You are right. You're not correct, you're right.
- Drumline, listen, so you don't make my life miserable... again.
- I don't like having a salad inside my sandwich!
- One, two, one, shut up, go!
- We're Color Guard. We don't have to be perfect; we just have to look like we are.
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