The Jedi Training Archive
Lightsaber Fighting- 2- Rules for Training Duels

When Jedi need to practice their fighting skills, they call upon one another to duel. When they choose to use weapons capable of killing one another, Jedi must be careful not to seriously injure one another. Similarly, when a Jedi Teacher teaches an apprentice the art of combat, he must be mindful of not only his own attacks but those of his student, who might lack the control to attack without harm.

Jedi in training duels check their attacks. Jedi also observe certain customs of dueling etiquette, both to preserve harmony and to guarantee the safest possible duels. Much of this thinking carries over into the day-to-day behavior of the Jedi Knights.

Fighting Duels are for Practice, not for Resolving Disputes

The Jedi realize that temptation to solve problems with fighting is often very strong, especially for younger Jedi. Thus, this rule is generally the first imparted to a Jedi when his training begins. There are always better ways of resolving disputes, such as simply talking, with or without a mediator, or meditating on the dispute to achieve greater clarity of the situtation.

Never Endanger Bystanders

Jedi Teachers should sternly reprimand Jedi who duel in public, specifically because they wish to avoid accidents. Training should take place in a controlled environment, generally under the supervision of a teacher or senior student.

The Duel Ends if Someone is Injured

An injured Jedi who insists on continuing a duel might not be thinking clearly. Thus, the duel ends the moment one of the participants suffers a wound. Paradoxically, most Jedi do not consider wounding an opponent in a duel as a victory. Instead, it tells them that they have subconsciously wanted to injure their opponent, which is cause for meditation and self-control practice. A Jedi who has injured an opponent in a duel generally does not participate in a duel again until asked. Some even wait until the opponent they have injured asks for a duel.

Always Honor a Request to End the Duel

When a Jedi asks for the duel to end, it is considered good form to immediately do so. Customarily, the person who makes the request puts away his weapon or bows if in hand to hand combat when he makes the request. However, some Jedi Teachers use this point as a test. They leave their weapon out to see whether their apprentices are unwise enough to lower their defenses against an armed opponent - even one they otherwise trust.

Never Strike an Unarmed Opponent

Jedi consider armed attacks against an unarmed opponent possible evidence of the Dark Side's influence. Of course, the same thinking does not apply to unarmed attacks against an unarmed opponent. In real life, rather than a training duel, there may be situations where defense with a weapon against an unarmed opponent is warranted, but remember that here we are talking specifically about training duels.

Never Strike an Opponent Who is Unprepared

Even an armed opponent may not be ready for an assault, so the Jedi customarily indicate battle readiness either with a formal salute or by adopting an "en garde" stance. Any other stance indicates that the combatant is not prepared for combat, though he could still verbally indicate otherwise. A weapon held to one side and directed at the floor signifies the default "at rest" stance.

Never Use the Force During a Duel

Duels are a test of combat skill, not of proficiency with the Force. If a Jedi uses the Force against his opponent during a duel, it is taken as a sign of desperation. This provides a good reason to end the duel, before someone gets hurt.

Unfortunately, the habit of not using the Force in combat practice sometimes works against the inexperienced Jedi It does not occur to them that their opponents might not respect this custom. Similarly, using the Force to improve fighting skills is allowed if both participants agree to such beforehand. Calling upon the Force during a regular duel, however, is considered extravagant and disrespectful to the Force.

When Practicing Armed Combat Un-Armed Combat Tactics are Considered Fair Game

Despite the injunction against using the Force, other combat tactics are perfectly legal, since weapon combat involves more than simply exchanging blows. Jedi frequently employ rushing, disarms, knockdowns, and trips, though grapples are generally frowned upon. Attacking an opponent's weapon to try to destroy it is a gross sign of disrespect, since it damages the personal property of a fellow Jedi. Consequently, few Jedi resort to this tactic, except in true life-or-death struggles.


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