Written by Jedi Jul-Qui Now it begins to get interesting, For this level we use the Zenner symbols the ones usually used to test for Telepathy, these symbols stimulate the ability and allow those developing the skill to recognise abstract images, as well as recognise the sound of the symbol. There are five in number and they are. 1. Circle 2. Plus/ Cross 3. Square/ Box 4. 5-Pointed Star 5. 2 wavy lines beside each other pointing upward For better representations of the symbols you will find them at this site: http://www.paranormality.com/zenner_cards.shtml At this location you will find the symbols on a square card shape, that is for testing. What we are doing is using round cards to stimulate the opening of the Telepathic ability. Use the colours: Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo (Deep Purple), Violet, (Pink if you can not find the colour), White. As before, cut white paper or cardboard in the size of a bread/side plate. 45 of them in total, 40 can be white but five of them you will have to colour black, or cut out 5 black round pieces of paper or cardboard. Start with the black paper, using the white paint, paint one symbol on each of the circles in the middle, and of a reasonable size so it is easily recognisable, then using the colours listed above colour the other circles with symbols, so you have 9 colours of each symbol. When dry, stack with the black symbols in the order listed above, these to be sent first, then Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and white symbols on the black paper/cardboard. EXERCISE: Do not forget to do a breathing meditation, or some form of meditation that will clear your mind. Send to your partner the image/picture you chose for yourself, then begin the exercise. Now there are more than before, but you will get used to it. Start with the black symbols one day and the next Red and the day following Orange, and so on till the last is white. You may not be able to do it every day over the 9 days, so pick the days with your partner when you can send a coloured symbol set, remember they must be in colour sequence for the first run. Give yourself five minutes after sending, then swap with your partner. Keep a pad and pen ready and see what images or feelings come up. Again, understand that you may not see the symbols as they are, depending upon your telepathic level. Keep a record of what you see or feel and compare them with the next colours or even the next exercise level.
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