The Jedi Training Archive
Jul-Qui's Lessons- 3- Telepathy, Level One
Written by Jedi Jul-Qui

For those who have already worked with Telepathy you may want to read this and see if it is something that you may have already covered.

For those who have never attempted Telepathy we will start at the basics. There are a few things you will require.

1. Someone to work with, or more than one (not always the best way to start but can be done with those who have a good connection with you).

2. 9 basic colours:
Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo (Deep Purple), Violet (Pink if you have trouble finding the colour), White.

3. The colours can be painted onto paper, or coloured cardboard can be used.

4. Take a side plate (or bread and butter plate). Place the plate face down on the paper/cardboard and draw a line with a pencil around it. Cut out and arrange in the order shown in step 2 with black at the top.

5. Pick an image. Keep it simple, a tree, a flower, what suits you, that you can remember to project before the colours. Contact those you will be working with tell them your image, and they theirs to you. If you are working with more than one person, keep a note of each person's image to stop confusion.

6. Arrange a time that you can send and recieve telepathic messages, if it is with someone who lives close to you that should not be a problem, but if it is with someone overseas make it a reasonable time for both. Decide between you who is to go first.

Now remember that colours can cause emotions or physical feelings eg: red/heat or hot, blue/cold or cool, it will depend on the person themself to find if they are sending or receiving a visual image or a feeling. Also note, the mind will try to understand what is being sent and may receive the colour blue as an image of the sky, etc. These are the things you will learn about your particular telepathic ability.


Clear the mind, do a short meditation. A simple breathing meditation is best.

For the one who is to go first, project your image to the person you are going to work with. Next the first colour is black. For some it is a difficult colour to project, but as you focus on it, it allows your mind to send a base colour, as some who first begin this, may only see in black and white for a little while, till the ability awakens to the colours. You focus on the colour for a few moments, then think of the person you are sending to, keeping the colour in mind. After a few seconds, or when you feel the colour has been sent, put that colour to one side and move to the next one. Repeat the process till all have been sent.

For the one who is to receive the projection, close your eyes and think of the image that your partner is sending, then clear your mind to allow the colours to come to you. Having a piece of paper or note pad and pen to hand is good, that way you can write what you see or feel, for later comunication.

Once you think or feel you have received the last image, give your self five minutes, then change places. The Projector becomes the Receiver, the Receiver the Projector.

If you can do this daily it would be good, as you can move to the next basic level within a week.

If you can not do it daily give yourself a couple of weeks to work with it. Contact your partner/s and find out how things went, if they recieved anything. If they did not, do not be concerned. They may be stronger at projection than reception.

For some, as I have said, they may not see the colour but feel it, as an emotion or an image, or they may not see anything at all. That does not mean that they have failed, but that they may do better at the next couple of basic levels.


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