The Jedi Training Archive
The Force- 1- Theory

What is it?

The Force gives us life, sustains us, enables us to do everything that we do. It flows through us and connects us to all life.

The Force is not limited by space and time. It has no color and no shape, no beginning and no end. It is part of everything and at odds with nothing.

Although Jedi use the term Force, the Force truly goes by many names. It is an energy field that surrounds all living things. It penetrates us and binds us together. For some this could mean their God. For others this could be electromagnetic energy. It could be anything. It is in fact everything and nothing, all depending on the person. Interpretation of the Force is a highly personal thing. One's beliefs of what the Force is can only be arrived at through a lot of thought and meditation; they cannot be something forced on another. However, there are some ideas about the Force that are generally agreed upon by all Jedi, and indeed are central to being a Jedi. It is mostly those ideas that will be explored here.

True understanding of the Force is the study of a lifetime. It is only by constant striving that one can begin to understand even a tiny fraction of what the Force truly is. That said, this site presents you with information that has been compiled from the thoughts of many people, and hopefully will aid you in your own understanding of the Force.

How Does it Work?

One can open oneself to the Force by many methods, including prayer, meditation, focus, insight, worship, and fasting. Some of these methods work better for some people than others. If, when practicing one of these methods, you feel yourself being influenced by the Dark Side, stop using that method and consult your Master (if you have one). Try a different method that feels more comfortable for you.

We can strengthen our connection to the Force through a number of ways. The most common one for the Jedi is meditation. The simplest way to do this is to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your body, calm your mind, and open yourself to the Force. The more you practice this and allow yourself to be open to the Force (which is the body's natural state, but our society forces us to close ourselves off), the easier the connection will be and the stronger your sense of the Force will be.

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