The Jedi Training Archive
Ahweh's Lessons- 1- Unconditional Love Meditation
Written by Jedi Healer Ahweh

Sit in a comfortable meditative position and close your eyes.
Relax your thoughts.
Take three very long, deep breaths.

Now focus on your heart.
There in your heart is unconditional love.
Feel that unconditional love.
Let your unconditional love well up in your heart and overflow into your whole being.
Also let go of all the negativity in your being and allow it to flow out of you.
The more you concentrate on your heart the more unconditional love flows through your being and fills up all the places the negativity left open.

The next step is very important.
Draw all that unconditional love which has been flowing through your being into a very small ball in your heart.
Now if you believe in God, send that ball out of you to God.
If you do not believe in God, send the ball out of you into Nature.
Wait for and be open to an answer from God or Nature, whichever you sent the ball to.
Accept into your heart and being all that is contained in your answer and let any emotions that come up flow unchecked. This is a cleansing effect.

As you close this meditation allow the unconditional love in your heart flow again through your entire being in a loop and back to your heart continously.
Bring your conciousness back to the room while keeping the loop of love flowing.


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